Wanna Know What's Fun...?
Talking to interesting people about subjects I know. It's a hoot, and I always have a good time. Let me know if speaking to your group in person or on a webinar is something you'd enjoy as well.
Potential Topics
Five Steps for Keeping Schools Safer From Gun Violence
Real Police Work vs. "Hollywood"
Using Police and Courts Effectively When Your Friend, Employee, or Loved One is Trapped in Domestic Violence
Interview and Interrogation for Writers and Actors
Outlining Your Non-Fiction Book
Preventing Elder Abuse
Way of the Blue Line: Ten Things Cops Know About Life That You Should Too
True Crime (specific to your group's concerns, questions)
A Few Previous Engagements:
Women's Fiction Writer's Association
University of Arkansas
WalMart Corporate Headquarters
Arkansas Bar Association
Texas EMS Conference
Rotary International (so, so many chapters)
National Child Protection Training Center
National Coalition Against Sexual Assault
St. Edwards' University
Arkansas Library Association
Criminal Justice Institute
Dallas Conference on Domestic Violence
Too many police departments to name